mobileFX WebKitX ActiveX
Advanced Topics / Side-by-side WebKitX Versions
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    Side-by-side WebKitX Versions
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    Since May 2019 WebKitX supports side-by-side deployment with binary-compatibility break.

    Version 1.x and 2.x have been binary-compatible from Jan 2018 till May 2019, by preserving the same ProgID and CLSID.

    Starting with version 1.5.x and 2.1.x we introduce new ProgIDs and CLSIDs for the ActiveX Library, ISettings interface, IWebKitX interface, IWebKitXEvents interface and the two CoClasses WebKitXCEF3 and Settings.

    Please note that 32-bit and 64-bit controls have the same ProgID and CLSID per version.

    On March 2020 version 4.x was introduced. Due to assignment of version 3 to Windows XP, we had to skip commercial version 3 and normalize numbering to version 4.

    WebKitX CLSIDs
    Copy Code
    // V1
    #if defined(CEF_3282_CHROMIUM_64)
        #define VERSION                  1.0
        #define VERSION_MAJOR            1
        #define VERSION_MINOR            0
        #define LIBRARY_NAME            "mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 1.x"
        #define GUID_LIBRARY            316AC43B-854D-415B-AC7D-637569B2D263
        #define GUID_ISETTINGS          9B527943-9DF8-479A-8BE7-DEBF8BBD5A42
        #define GUID_IWEBKITX           0A76D3F3-A67A-4267-AB1C-884DD2CAF047
        #define GUID_IWEBKITXEVENTS     745E887A-EF5D-4F67-A211-AFA70BDA4A9E
        #define GUID_WEBKITXCEF3        DFF43867-EAC5-4170-96B0-265A91723BCA
        #define GUID_SETTINGS           9CC49284-7BCE-4BB1-9FE9-A8CFC1029CD2
        #define GUID_ISTYLE             E27F4F5F-2A70-44C2-9F05-13D9254573B5
        #define GUID_STYLE              22B2068A-DAC8-403A-8769-855FA3321B62    
    // V2
    #elif defined(CEF_3587_CHROMIUM_71)
        #define VERSION                  2.0
        #define VERSION_MAJOR            2
        #define VERSION_MINOR            0
        #define LIBRARY_NAME            "mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 2.x"
        #define GUID_LIBRARY            FF201EB4-04A9-48FA-93BD-8ADC3A9860F1
        #define GUID_ISETTINGS          FF05E010-A7B4-4B1D-A701-BC7CFD91302F
        #define GUID_IWEBKITX           FFA709E0-EAEE-4876-94BF-5AD95197AA09
        #define GUID_IWEBKITXEVENTS     FF67149E-97B9-4C23-B142-FE4FB0A3FBF1
        #define GUID_WEBKITXCEF3        FF54A4CA-11BE-4F39-8D4C-911854B28AAE
        #define GUID_SETTINGS           FF697F35-B04B-43A1-B7F4-D7136BF214C9
        #define GUID_ISTYLE             F912F032-DA6C-43D4-9585-A25636B0853B
        #define GUID_STYLE              103C1488-69BE-4CF8-B091-23F466D4E398
    // V2-XP (V3)
    #elif defined(CEF_2623_CHROMIUM_49)
        #define VERSION                  3.0
        #define VERSION_MAJOR            3
        #define VERSION_MINOR            0
        #define LIBRARY_NAME            "mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 2.x - XP"
        #define GUID_LIBRARY            FF718647-8082-4E44-BAFF-1C322BF93FED
        #define GUID_ISETTINGS          FF5718CA-1AE5-44D4-957B-FFE5BB710175
        #define GUID_IWEBKITX           FFB54ECF-782C-4AFC-93EE-1FB3A7808DE6
        #define GUID_IWEBKITXEVENTS     FF7CD841-611B-4F60-B9EB-8A4BA20AFB5B
        #define GUID_WEBKITXCEF3        FFEF9F18-ACBB-44FD-A921-49904D397618
        #define GUID_SETTINGS           FF7BCEB7-6449-41B1-80E8-F64ED3F54CF1
        #define GUID_ISTYLE             EDC0A639-D891-41C2-80BD-B36A5C40EE07
        #define GUID_STYLE              64BF83DE-9013-415C-8A2B-AD83C3D07BA5
    // V4
    #elif defined(CEF_3987_CHROMIUM_80)
        #define VERSION                  4.0
        #define VERSION_MAJOR            4
        #define VERSION_MINOR            0
        #define LIBRARY_NAME            "mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 4.x"
        #define GUID_LIBRARY            FF2C3A99-34D0-4C82-9545-6A1588574233
        #define GUID_ISETTINGS          FFBFF548-6FFE-42F9-88DD-A77321E77F68
        #define GUID_IWEBKITX           FF45A4E1-A1EE-4FE4-B89F-7D8C164E1BFB
        #define GUID_IWEBKITXEVENTS     FFED4D8D-358E-4428-A68A-8625F6CFCBA0
        #define GUID_WEBKITXCEF3        FFF36428-F7BC-4B9B-81D5-FB0957A2EB1C
        #define GUID_SETTINGS           FF1B483E-B93E-406B-B439-B2006E96A273
        #define GUID_ISTYLE             FFD4C24B-F508-47B8-A697-BA24EF754B71
        #define GUID_STYLE              FF866D68-D0DC-4E1A-8DDE-8A5BF96FC632
        #define GUID_IHLSSETTINGS       FFBC90E9-5D80-414B-A0C1-2FE6E43D58D5
        #define GUID_HLSSETTINGS        FFD22405-5DCA-4449-93A5-5B1CD1E21B1B


    If you register all WebKitX versions in registry you will notice the following Keys:

    Side-by-side WebKitX versions in Windows Registry

    Side-by-side WebKitX versions in Windows Registry


    Loading specific WebKitX Version in Visual Basic 6.0

    Side-by-side WebKitX versions in Visual Basic 6.0 Components Dialogue

    Side-by-side WebKitX versions in Visual Basic 6.0 Components Dialogue


    Instantiating WebKitX version programmatically in Visual Basic 6.0

    Please note that this is only supported with a valid license. You need to add the license of the control programmatically too.

    Side-by-side WebKitX version instantiated programmatically

    Side-by-side WebKitX version instantiated programmatically


    See Also